samedi 5 janvier 2013

une belle année

Pour une année en beauté, voici un joli cadeau offert par Benoît & Capucine à télécharger sur leur site Retour des Indes : un calendrier aux couleurs de l'Inde et du Népal, dédicacé à Nirbhaya, message de paix et d'espoir pour les femmes indiennes.

her name was Nirbhaya

So here it is. I didn’t really plan on writing ‘this’, and I am not even sure what ‘this’ is yet ; it’s not an article as I’m no reporter, neither is it an essay, I guess I just felt like I needed to write these few lines a couple of nights ago as this girl’s story kept me up from sleep once again.

I won’t go through the details of the torture Nirbhaya, as newspaper call her, put up with, journalists did their job writing about it all over and over again and I simply went literally sick when I first heard about it.
I wrote it in English. I am not sure why. Maybe to put as much distance as possible between these sordid facts and I, that’s plausible. Maybe because that’s the language in which I express myself when I am in India, where this nightmare of a tale took place. But most shamefully and most dreadfully, this is no tale but a true story.

I guess this is not surprising in a country where men treat stray dogs better than they treat women, a country where each new days sees a hundreds of abortions for girl foetuses, when not baby girl’s infanticides, a country that still practices dowry, trading women for gold, but also cars, fridges or goats.

India, as much as I love you, and I do, you have a serious problem. And you will never be a “great” country as long as you will despise, threaten, molest and kill your women, no matter how economically and technologically advanced you are.

But the most awful part of it all is to have to acknowledge that this could actually happen anywhere else.
Because we live in a world where we teach women how to avoid getting raped when we should be teaching men how to respect women and, well, not to rape and kill. Sick sad world, you bet.

This is a man's world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl. So enough of this patriarchal societies, and I am speaking for supposedly evolved western countries too.

I may add that this is exactly the kind of stories that makes me want to never have kids. But you know what, actually I just might want to have them someday. So please guys, could you try not to trash this world you and I live in too much? Because that would be kind of awesome.

{images from Le Monde}

à lire aussi les réactions de Saumya Arya Haas, Rashmee Roshan Lall, Titiou Lecoq, Sharmila Ravinder...